About the Show...

The sleepy town of Popcorn Falls is forced into bankruptcy when a neighboring town threatens to turn them into a sewage treatment plant. Their only hope – open a theater! Two actors play over twenty roles in a world of farce, love, and desperation, proving once and for all that art can save the world.

Popcorn Falls made its world premiere at Theatre NOVA on January 20, 2017, under the direction of Daniel C. Walker. The show was next produced and developed at the Riverbank Theatre from May 24–27, 2018, under the direction of Christian Borle. On October 8, 2018, Popcorn Falls premiered Off-Broadway at the Davenport Theatre in New York City. The production, again directed by Christian Borle, starred Adam Heller and Tom Souhrada.

Contact Us:

Stone's Throw Theater

Lapeer, MI  48446

Phone: 810-660-7805

E-mail: Info@Stonesthrowtheater.org


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